Tuesday, August 19, 2008

SD Duplicator Copies 20 At a Time For The UberGeek

Nexcopy announced their new 20 target SD Duplicator earlier today. Definitely a device for the ubergeek who’s into data loading Secure Digital media. At first glance you ask yourself “Who’d want 20 copies of their SD card from their camera?” But it’s clear Nexcopy isn’t chasing down the guys looking to make a 100 copies of their weekend Vegas photos [or are they?]. The SD duplicator is geared towards companies who send out software applications on SD cards for field devices, or need to manage a large number of miniSD cards for an army of Palm Pilots.

The SD200PC also works with microSD cards so the phone companies will have a field day loading up their phones with promo material for lucky customers. Which makes sense, because these Smartphones and PDAs are getting so powerful and the media has so much capacity, many people keep most of their data on microSD cards these days.

The unit connects via USB and has 20 numbered SD ports so it’s easy to identify which SD card is which. The unit comes with software that supports FAT and FAT32 formats and includes NTFS support with their bit-for-bit copy function which also supports Linux distribution packages for those embedded applications these ubergeeks seem to dream up. All SD formats are supports and for the not-so-techy users, the Nexcopy software has a job wizard to guide you through the SD duplication process.