In April 2008, Softbank Mobile Corp, a Japanese company, will release the PhoneBraver, which is a new type of cell phone that doubles as a little robotic friend, ready to chat. Simply attach it’s little arms and leg to your phone and it will display various different faces on the phone.
PhoneBraver, cannot actually move, but can learn habits and display text messages to you when you make certain actions on the phone.
If you were to call someone on a regular basis, the phone might display a message coming out of the robots mouth saying, “You’re calling her often these days, aren’t you?” Users could carry on the the conversation with their robot friend by answering it’s questions and comments.
“We haven’t decided on specifics yet on the communication between the user and mobile, but your mobile would grow into a buddy different from others that is unique in the world,” he said.
The phone was made after a character in an upcoming television drama called “Cellphone Investigator 7″
The price for your own robotic phone has not yet been released but we can imagine it will be costly.
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