Thursday, August 28, 2008

Dubai Ziggurat

The Burj Dubai is almost ready (well, they still have to put several hundred glass panes on it) and many more buildings are scheduled to be either finished or started in the remaining months of 2008. One of the latest projects that was presented to the wealthy Arabs is a pyramid-like building that is completely eco-friendly and can house no less than 1 million people.

Timelinks, a design firm based in Dubai, has come up with the design for the Ziggurat building which turn out to be a sort of self-sufficient enclave, featuring an efficient vertically-and-horizontally-running public transportation system plus all sorts of ecological energy generators.
DVice informs that Timelinks has already begun all the necessary steps towards patenting the design as well as the technology necessary to build it. The entire building is supposed to measure nearly a whole square mile, and should use a combination of steam, wind and solar-based methods in order to produce the necessary energy. “Green areas” inside the huge building could provide the small-scale city with agricultural space, so food won’t be an issue with this structure.
All the eco-friendly technologies put into the Ziggurat and other buildings are set to bring more carbon-neutral areas in order to reduce the global warming effects.